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L8 10/31/2017 Deep Culture in the Elementary School Classroom

Although I am not an elementary school teacher, nor do I plan on being one, I do plan on one day being a mother. As a future mother, teaching deep culture to my children is of extreme importance. While I love eating tacos, and my Mongolian-American partner will incorporate Mongolian customs into our daily life, I want my children to be aware of and sensitive towards the practices and beliefs of other cultures around the world. I also hope that the teachers my children have are able tot take advantage of every opportunity to teach them about culture. Not everyone in the United States lives in a culturally, ethnically, or religiously diverse area. Therefore, in order to become more understanding and well-rounded individuals, we need to create our own experiences in order to have a deeper cultural understanding. The presentation of deep culture is generally taught and perceived as follows: A. Event or circumstance + B. Beliefs (or culture) = C. Reaction How we react to things a

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